
  • Location: Battaramulla
  • Category:
  • Value: 16 Million
  • Complete at: 10th July 2019

Project Description

 Modernization of Schools under the Nearest School

Repair Works at Sri Suboothi National School, Battaramulla under the NSBS program initiated by the Ministry of Education. Contract value 16 Million. The date of commencement on 10th July 2019.
gvmnt project
9674BC7E 8836 42B5 B95D 0FF2F376BD87
C1643486 829F 4C80 9707 80CB048FEF19
81982486 585938042187634 7883416822609870848 o
82023885 585938432187595 3524607401850306560 o
81991849 585938252187613 1569086020064903168 o

The progress of Parapet wall construction works in the site…

75442963 541179753330130 6289599856868589568 o
76638488 541179849996787 6561693985054654464 o
75627387 541179759996796 4732561361802887168 o