
  • Client: University of Ruhuna
  • Location: Wellamadama, Matara
  • Category:
  • Value: 2.7 Million
  • Project Start: 21st December 2018
  • Complete at: August 30, 2015

Project Description

 In an existing Building to use as a Canteen University of Ruhuna, Wellamadama, Matara.

Improvement Works in an existing Building to use as a Canteen at the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, University of Ruhuna. Contract Value 2.7 Million. The works completed on 21st December 2018.
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Renovation Works in Dean Office, Santhagara Canteen, and Department of English & Sociology at the Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, University of Ruhuna. Contract Value 4.5 Million. The works completed on 02nd January 2019.

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